Cognitive analysis

Following a first period of fact-finding for a catalogue of non-native species present in Puglia, on the basis of bibliographic/documentary analyses and/or prior studies, a total of 50 species have been identified as being of priority here. For these, we have proceeded to the production of full profiles containing the following: characteristics, invasivity, ingression and localisation 


Monitoring protocol for macro-categories

Comprises for each macro-category (land plants, freshwater plants, marine plants, free-moving and static land animals, freshwater animals, marine animals): monitoring operations, with defined methods, variables to be measured, timescales, sampling frequency, the human resources necessary, equipment, costs and objectives


Detailed monitoring plan with relevant action plan regarding Callinectes sapidus (colloquially the "blue crab")

Monitoring and containment plans for the species Callinectes sapidus in the brackish lakes of Lesina and Varano, situated in the western part of the Gargano peninsula


Monitoring plan in detail with relevant action plan regarding Opuntia spp (colloquially "prickly pear")

Monitoring and containment/eradication plans for Opuntia spp. On the Tremiti Islands


Detailed monitoring plan with relevant action plan regarding Carpobrotus edulis, Micropterus salmoides, Trachemys scripta.

Action plan referred to Carpobrotus edulis known as the edible Hottentots fig


Action plan related to Micropterus salmoides, known as largemouth bass, within the Ofanto River Regional Natural Park


Action plan related to Trachemys scripta, known as American pond turtle, within the Torre Guaceto State Nature Reserve



It contains the update and development of the methodology for the identification of HNVF areas in the Apulian territory with application on some case studies



It contains the environmental and territorial analysis methodology for the calculation of indicators regarding the pressures exerted, on the entire regional territory, on agricultural soils and on agroecosystems, on internal and coastal waters, with application of the analysis model on some case studies

Report 1


It contains the update of the Habitat Map at the 1:25,000 scale of the entire regional territory

Report (publication soon)


Pilot action 1

It contains the analysis of the current state of animal biodiversity and work protocols and synthetic biodiversity indicators to be used for monitoring

Report 1

Report 2

Report 3

Report 4


Botanical analysis

Pilot Action 1

It contains the analysis of the terrestrial floristic-vegetational component and in situ conservation in the area of pilot action 1 and ex situ in the Germplasm Bank of plant entities of conservation interest

Report of in situ and ex situ conservation actions

Monographic files of plant entities of conservation interest

Checklist of taxa in Ambito Vasto



Pilot Action 1

Contains the study of geographic distribution of circalittoral zone biotic (coral) reefs, and studies of life assemblages from semi-dark and dark caves located in the following areas: Polignano a Mare, Monopoli, Fasano and Ostuni.The analyses carried out in the Small Sea of Taranto address the faunal composition of the benthic zone, and the distribution of these fauna within the Tarantine seabeds



Agrobiodiversity analysis

Pilot Action 1

It includes the analysis of biodiversity in the agricultural sector and the study of cultivated plant species at risk of extinction with the definition of an Action Plan and long-term strategies for sustainable management of agriculture and the protection of local ecotypes

Report 1

Report 2

Report 3

Report 4

Report 5


Monitoring network

Coastal dynamic analysis

Contains (firstly) the definition of the monitoring network for observation and measurement of various environmental parameters relevant to the safeguarding of biodiversity and ecosystems, and (secondly) the definition of the decision-supporting system.


Report 1

Cartographic tables

Report 2

Report 3

It contains the update of the cognitive framework of the coastal stretch of analysis, the characterization of marine weather forcing, morphological and sedimentological analysis, the definition of structural and environmental criticalities and possible effects on habitats aimed at identifying the types of intervention, structural and managerial character

Report 1

Report 2

Report 3 – Planning document


Pilot Action 2

Comprising fact-finding analysis for the presence of damaging invasive insects and of Philaenus spumarius (L.) in Pilot Area 2 of the BEST project, and the monitoring plan to be carried out, aimed at the identification and sampling of the “meadow spittlebug” (Philaenus spumarius) and vectors of Xylella fastidiosa, of the whitefly Aleurocanthus spiniferus, and of the psyllid Macrohomotoma gladiata

Report 1

Report 2

Report 3

Sampling schedule


Pilot action 2

It contains the Characterization of soils on the basis of remote sensing techniques in relation to the impacts due to the spread of alien species within areas of agronomic and naturalistic interest included in n. 6 Regional Natural Parks

Report (publication soon)


Climate change and biodiversity

12 and 14 July 2022

It contains the document of the seminars organized with the aim of enriching the knowledge of the participants on the subject of climate change and the effects on biodiversity, also with reference to the objectives and activities of the BEST project and the guidelines of the Interreg Greece-Italy programme

Seminar Report of 12.07.22 

Video seminar 12.07.2022 

Seminar Report of 14.07.22  2

Video seminar 14.07.2022 

Genetics at the service of biodiversity

4 and 6 October 2022

The seminar is designed to illustrate how biological diversity can be analyzed and defined at the genetic level by initially providing basic concepts of molecular biology useful for understanding the topic

Video 04.10.2022

Seminar Report of 04.10.2022  

Video 06.10.2022


TU 1

The protection of biodiversity: objectives, evolution, results

The teaching unit analyzes the objectives of biodiversity protection at an international, community, national and regional level, through a critical analysis of the related regulations and/or strategies. Particular emphasis is given to protection tools such as “protected areas” and “Natura 200 Network”, with a focus on those present in the Puglia Region

Video 20.09.2022

Seminar Report of 20.09.22  

Video 22.09.2022

Seminar Report of 22.09.22  

TU 2

Ecological foundations

The teaching unit analyzes the objectives of biodiversity protection at an international, community, national and regional level, through a critical analysis of the related regulations and/or strategies. Particular emphasis is given to protection tools such as “protected areas” and “Natura 200 Network”, with a focus on those present in the Puglia Region

Video 27.09.2022

Seminar Report of 27.09.22  

Video 29.09.2022

Seminar Report of 29.09.22  

TU 3

Application of environmental regulations: EIA and VAS

The teaching unit deals with topics such as:purpose of assessments on the “biodiversity” component in environmental assessments;the EIA: regulatory framework – Elements to be assessed and related methods; the SEA: regulatory framework – Elements to be assessed and related methods; skills required for the preparation of studies in the context of the various procedures; relationships between the different procedures

Video 10.10.2022

Seminar Report of 11.10.2022  

Video 11.10.2022

Seminar Report of 10.10.2022  

TU 4

The framework of knowledge

The many interpretations that constitute the foundations of the Natura 2000 network were introduced in the teaching unit: the European protection network is based on two fundamental pillars: protection of species and creation of sites where these species can have positive future prospects

Video 17.10.2022

Seminar Report of 17.10.2022  

TU 5

VINCA insight

This section analyzes the reference legislation and the environmental authorization procedure for the assessment of environmental impact (VINCA), with reference to that qualification that concerns any plan, programme, project, intervention or activity, such as to have significant impacts on a site o proposed site of the c.d. “Natura 2000” network, individually or jointly with other plans and projects and taking into account the conservation objectives of the site itself, and belongs to the category of environmental authorization procedures, and, like some of those previously listed, has a community “matrix”, constituted by the provisions of the “Habitats” Directive (92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992), concerning the “conservation of natural and semi-natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna”

Seminar Report 18.10.2022

Video 18.10.2022  

Seminar Report 25.10.2022

Video 25.10.2022

TU 6

Management of protected areas: overview

The protection of the natural landscape today represents a highly topical issue mainly due to the latest trends that underline the importance of environmental protection as an essential condition for guaranteeing the conservation of the territory and ecological balance for present and future generations

Seminar Report

TU 7

Case studies: insights into specific areas

With a direct link to the previous section, this teaching unit deals with specific cases of activities, actions, initiatives carried out within protected areas relating to good practices and measures on the management of habitats and species, especially of conservation and/or management interest

Seminar Report 10.11.2022

Video 10.11.2022

Seminar Report 25.11.2022

Video 25.11.2022

TU 8

Governance tools and surveillance procedures

Governance models: PA sector legislation, program agreements, territorial pacts, administrative contracts, state of planning at the local scale, new options and operational strategies to support ecosystem approaches Shared governance: public goods and goods of public interest, management of areas protected with reference to Nature Based Solutions. Conservation contracts and management contracts. Conventions, agreements and partnerships.

Implementation and application: scenarios formulated at national level through specific designs, examination of past experiences and innovations of today’s phases.

Control and monitoring: virtuous paths and successes, critical issues and failures. Good practices: documented cases

Applicable legislation and sanctions: regulated activities, verification of infractions and violations, types of corrective measures. Surveillance techniques and tools: involvement of service personnel, relations with the world of volunteering, remote controls, technologies, privacy issues. Methods of application for control: costs and benefits in both an economic and social sense and repression of violations

Seminar Report 29.11.2022 and 01.12.2022

TU 9

Management of agricultural activities and protection of biodiversity

Starting from the “Pan-European Conference on Agriculture and Biodiversity”, held in Paris in June 2002, the didactic unit will focus on the study and analysis of agricultural areas with high naturalistic value (High Nature Value Farming), of the need of biodiversity protection of species of agronomic interest and of the positive effects that sustainable management of agronomic practices have with respect to the extreme effects of climate change. In fact, if on the one hand agriculture is a sector particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and requires the timely definition of adaptation strategies, on the other it can play a fundamental role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and can contribute significantly to mitigation strategies, such as carbon storage in soils. In this regard, some case studies will be illustrated relating to measures and good practices in sustainable agriculture and the main instruments at national and European level will be presented, from the current ones to the new objectives of the National Strategic Plan of the CAP 2023-2027

Seminar Report 06-13.12.2022

TU 10

Forest Management in protected areas and in Natura 2000 network

In this section, after presenting the main regulations and policy documents of forestry interest in European Union policies including the new European strategy for forests 2030 (COM (2021) n 572 final of 16 July 2021), we focused on the National Forestry Strategy (SFN) in implementation of the art. 6, paragraph 1, of the legislative decree of 3 April 2018, n. 34. The main characteristics of the Italian forestry sector was analysed, the general objectives and actions (operational, strategic and instrumental) of the SFN, the problems of forest management in Puglia, the forestry measures of the PSR Puglia 2014/2020 (specifically the measure 8, submeasure 8.1-8.2 -8.3-8.4-8.5-8.6), silviculture and obligations to protect habitats and species, with a specific focus on regulations, regional laws and forest protection rules (General requirements and forestry police) for the woods and protected areas of the Puglia Region”

Video 10.01.2022 

Video 11.01.2022 

TU 11

Management of invasive alien species

Starting from a general introduction on the danger posed by invasive alien species (IAS), recognized globally as one of the main causes of loss of biodiversity and related ecosystem services, some examples of ongoing containment and eradication were exposed for implementation in the Apulian territory. The in-depth topics are therefore the following:

  • Definition and reference legislation
  • Climate change and invasive alien species
  • The main alien species in the Puglia Region
  • Management of alien animal species
  • Management of alien plant species
  • Design choices that threaten the quality of habitats: practices not to be repeated and the related reasons
  • Good management practices

Video 17.01.2022 

TU 12

Stakeholder involvement

In the following teaching unit, the importance of stakeholder involvement was highlighted starting from the definition of “stakeholder” and the role it plays, the basic dynamics of participation, the selection and choice of language and communication channels , negotiation techniques, conflict management. Elements such as territorial promotion to increase the effectiveness of actions, the management of volunteering and its involvement, and the contribution of citizen science were also analysed.

Video 24.01.2022 

TU 13

Territorial communication and marketing

This section will provide an introduction to the topic of communication carried out by public institutions, illustrating its origins and evolution, highlighting the techniques and methods adopted to communicate between the public and private sectors. Specifically, the following points will be addressed:

  • How to develop an environmental education plan
    The promotion plan: tools, channels and timing
  • The identification of the strengths characterizing the territory
  • Examples of good practices.

Video 06.02.2022 

TU 14

Monitoring systems and evaluation indicators

The monitoring systems perform the function of conjunction between the preventive evaluation phase and the evaluation phases being implemented and final, which for the physical transformation interventions of the territory aimed at carrying out continuous activities tend to merge into a sequence of checks, modifications and adjustments. In this teaching unit, the planning and execution of monitoring activities will be illustrated by retracing the five main phases and specifying, for each one, some of the most representative tools and investigating the evaluation indicators that characterize a monitoring program. The collaboration processes the design and implementation of the monitoring activities will be the subject of a short simulation which will involve the participation of local authorities, particularly representative subjects competent in environmental matters and private subjects, both as proponents and as stakeholders in an environmental assessment procedure The processes of collaboration in the design and implementation of monitoring activities will be the subject of a short simulation which will involve the participation of local authorities, particularly representative subjects competent in environmental matters and private subjects, both as proponents and as stakeholders in an environmental assessment procedure.

Video 18.04.2022 

TU 15

Engineering and bioengineering techniques

This teaching unit will be aimed at promoting knowledge of the principles and techniques of naturalistic engineering through the illustration of the use of the main analysis and management techniques of remotely sensed images for the extraction and processing of data and qualitative information and quantitative on the environment, innovative methodologies for collecting and processing data for territorial analyses, as well as the analysis of good practices and case studies. The structuring of European, national and regional funds which are specifically dedicated to the protection of biodiversity, or which can indirectly be used for interventions which still have the objective of environmental protection and redevelopment, will then be illustrated and analysed.

Video 28.03.2022 

Video 29.03.2022 

Report 29.03.2022 

Video 04.04.2022 

Report 04.04.2022 

Video 06.04.2022 

Urban biodiversity

Starting from the flora, fauna and problematic species that inhabit towns, cities, metropolises, cases and examples of possible conservation and expansion strategies of areas with high biodiversity in cities will be reviewed: urban farms, urban hydroculture, green architecture, woods verticals, green walls, floating gardens, roof gardens, ecological corridors and creation of networks between parks and gardens. Particular cases of recent and futuristic urban design will also be examined, as well as discussions with learners on the prototype of the city of the future, biodiversity and the challenges ahead. In particular, the following will be examined:

  • the case of Fujisawa, Kanagawa southwest of Tokyo;
  • the case of Masdar City (near Abu Dhabi) and the study on the mega-city of Neom (Saudi Arabia);
  • the Floating Islands of French Polynesia – Artisanopolis and the SuperEva project;
  • the case of the small Italian/Apulian towns and how they could become sustainable models of human-nature coexistence over time with high levels of biodiversity protection in the trait d’union between the most man-made part and the immediately adjacent rural part.

Seminar Report 22.11.2022

Video 22.11.2022

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