In compliance with the European Regulation on the protection of personal data 2016/679, Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30, 2003, the so-called Privacy Code and Legislative Decree no. 101 of August 10, 2018, whose objective is to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, in particular the right to protection of personal data, we inform you on how to process personal data of users who interact with the site starting from their rights and how they can exercise them. This does not apply to third party websites that may be linked to the website.

Treatment modalities

Al momento dell’iscrizione alla newsletter vengono richieste informazioni minime (nome, cognome, indirizzo di posta elettronica) che vengono salvate sui nostri sistemi, ai quali è possibile accedere in qualsiasi momento ed effettuare la revoca della propria iscrizione. Il trattamento è effettuato con l’ausilio di mezzi elettronici o comunque automatizzati e trasmessi attraverso reti telematiche. Il Titolare adotta misure tecniche e organizzative adeguate a garantire un livello di sicurezza idoneo rispetto alla tipologia di dati trattati.

Owner of the treatment

The Data Controller of your data is:
Puglia Region
Department of Mobility, Urban Quality, Public Works, Ecology and Landscape
Via Gentile, 52 – 70121 BARI
Data Protection Officer (DPO)
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted by sending an email to:

Communication and dissemination of personal data

The data collected are processed exclusively by staff and collaborators of the Puglia Region. These data are processed, in the role of Data Processor ex art. 28 of the Regulation, by FLUID SRLS, which carries out management and maintenance activities of the site on behalf of the Puglia Region. Some processing operations may also be carried out by other third parties, to whom  Puglia Region entrusts certain activities, or part of them, functional to the provision of services. On these other subjects, designated as Data Processors, are imposed by Regione Puglia, by contract or other legal act under EU law or Member States, appropriate obligations regarding the protection of personal data through operational instructions, with particular reference to the adoption of appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to ensure the confidentiality and security of data pursuant to art. 32 of the Regulation. Outside these hypotheses, the data will not be communicated to third parties or disseminated, except in cases specifically provided for by national or European Union law.

Data retention times

For the personal data voluntarily provided by the user in relation to the services referred to in Point 1, the retention time is identified as 5 years, starting from the final payment to the beneficiaries for the project activities under the Programme financed in the 2014-2020 programming period. For navigation data: these anonymous data remain available for statistical processing for 400 days. They are never deleted from the servers, unless explicitly requested (to be sent according to the modalities described in point 11. “Rights of the interested parties” of this information notice). The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.

Rights of the interested parties

Users may exercise their rights under Articles 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 679/2016, where applicable, including the right to request correction or deletion of registration data, limitation of processing or to object to processing, in the cases provided for. Your Requests for the exercise of your rights should be sent to the e-mail address or by registered mail via PEC to: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.


A cookie is a small text file that sites save on your computer or mobile device while you visit them. Thanks to cookies, the site remembers your actions and preferences (e.g. login, language, font size and other display settings) so that you do not have to re-enter them when you return to the site or navigate from one page to another. Depending on their purpose, cookies are divided into technical cookies and profiling cookies.

How we use cookies

In alcune pagine utilizziamo i cookies per:
ricordare le preferenze di visualizzazione, per es. le impostazioni del contrasto o le dimensioni dei caratteri;
questo sito offre servizi di newsletter o di iscrizione a mezzo mail, i cookie possono essere utilizzati per ricordare se sei già registrato e mostrare alcune notifiche;
questo sito utilizza Google Analytics per l’analisi sull’utilizzo del sito web e traccia dati sulle caratteristiche degli utenti (quante pagine visitate, luogo di accesso, tipologia utente, tipologia sistema operativo, ecc) Per maggiori informazioni sui cookie di Google Analytics, vedere la pagina ufficiale di Google Analytics.
Inoltre, alcuni video inseriti nelle nostre pagine utilizzano un cookie per elaborare statistiche, in modo anonimo, su come sei arrivato sulla pagina e quali video hai visto.
Non è necessario abilitare i cookies perché il sito funzioni, ma farlo migliora la navigazione. È possibile cancellare o bloccare i cookies, però in questo caso alcune funzioni del sito potrebbero non funzionare correttamente. Le informazioni riguardanti i cookies non sono utilizzate per identificare gli utenti e i dati di navigazione restano sempre sotto il nostro controllo. Questi cookies servono esclusivamente per i fini qui descritti.


All content (text, images, videos, graphics, trademarks, logos, audiovisual etc. …) and information on the site, are the exclusive property of the Puglia Region – Department of Mobility, Urban Quality, Public Works, Ecology and Landscape and / or third parties and are protected under current copyright law (Law No. 633/1941 et seq.) on patents and intellectual property and may be issued in copyright mode or with reserved rights or Creative Commons mode or with some reserved rights. The reproduction, communication and making available to the public, renting, lending, diffusion without the authorization of the owner of the rights is prohibited. All content may be downloaded or used only in the manner provided by the rights themselves and in any case not for commercial use. Infringements are subject to the sanctions provided for in Articles 171 to 174 of the above mentioned legislation.

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